and me under my sheet trying not to peek with her yammering like a burnt wolf for him him lapping it up like they always do getting every cents worth believing every bleat every yelp of it the true faith every praise be there father just oh there fath just jusohjusjus oh jusus oh father with his clean preachers palms pure and parched from prayer pared nails neat and nice and him nibbling at our at her nipples hollering out with his sunday bellow for tittitties falling for ourher act her burnt wolf song and dance and me now peeping catching a snatch of his bobbing buccaneer his dog collared dicky of biblical proportions oh praise your titties sweet evangeline our three titties her two prim bubs my one spare dug moreorless than the whole sum of our parts of our community chest under my wincing dreaming sheet were 11 years old in the dust out the trailer back in the night of the fairground glow ourher thick shared trunk in our slack shared sack with my legs and arms and hers tumbling cartwheeling rehearsing heads knocking our heads and our girls hair knotting lying in the dusk giggling girlgirls at the mess of our body diddy ends sore from spinning unsure men paid to stare even then the same old panhandlers and cottonpickers and dry roaming preachers liking what they pay for paying for the act and now his reverend self freeloading wanting just her half her hole not the two for one and we are siamese as you please setting on her with his menthol breath and soapy kisses old dolly me flapping about like catgut with hisherour every unholy thrust hiding the withered half me me well old dollys still got a song in her own throat my mighty wind and wont heher see now if I cant preach a bit too
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