Friday, 6 November 2009

Untimely #10 - City of Quartz

Parakeets swoon in

To roost on naked pylons

Under massed moon clouds.

Grass scratched tarmac seethes;

Freeway, sagging, crocodile

Spined, under moon clouds.

Corrugated cheek,

Cold against cool cardboard pulp,

Turns toward moon clouds.

Stray tobacco fronds,

Straggling on blistered lips, I

Stretch below moon clouds.

All extremities,

Finger tips, yellow toe nails,

Shiver down moon clouds.

Wrist knuckles click back

Through frayed cuffs, forage pockets,

Forgetting moon clouds.

Night time is my time,

Needle blind, tooth and eye time,

Hunger strikes moon clouds.

And out, out into,

Into quartz, into quartz tides

Under quartz moon clouds.

The dune teeming city

Subsumes me, the rowdy spume,

Moon clouding moon crowds.


  1. Splendid, I enjoyed that

  2. That's a lovely marvel. Bravo.
