Saturday, 23 January 2010

Untimely #13 - Kevin's Exclusive Including Machine and Question Personaliser


The objective of the following process is to enable all individuals to personalise any question asked of them via the enacting of a simple sequence of 5 steps. The following process will be carried out under test conditions employing the given test questions and the test Personalised Name Determinant SAMUEL CHARLES BUTLER


  • Questions for Personalisation
  • Dictionary
  • Personalised Name Determinant
  • Alphabet
For the following process the following terms will apply:

Input Question 1 = "What might inclusion mean?"
Input Question 2 = "How can we break down social barriers?"
Input Question 3 = "What might inhibit inclusion?"
Input Question 4 = "How does your practice enhance social inclusion?"


STEP 1: Identify question field for personalisation and objects for personalisation within given field.

Verbs or Nouns

Active Verbs:
Input Question 1 = Object for personalisation 1 = "mean"
Input Question 2 = Object for personalisation 2 = "break"
Input Question 3 = Object for personalisation 3 = "inhibit"
Input Question 4 = Object for personalisation 4 = "enhance"

STEP 2: Quantify total objects within question field for personalisation to determine personalisation vectors.

mean +
break +
inhibit +
enhance = 4

STEP 3: Determine personalisation vectors per input question via Personalised Name Determinant based nominal conversion of total objects for personalisation.

Total objects for personalisation  ==> Personalised Name Determinant based nominal conversion ==> personalisation vectors

4 ==> (First 4 letters of SAMUEL CHARLES BUTLER) ==> S.A.M.U.
:. 1=S, 2=A, 3=M, 4=U

STEP 4: Convert personalisation vectors into numerical operators via alphanumerical matrix.

Numerical Operator 1 = S=19
Numerical Operator 2 = A=1
Numerical Operator 3 = M=13
Numerical Operator 4 = U=21

STEP 5: Input objects for personalisation into dictionary based personalisation logarithm subject to numerical operators to determine personalised question field varient.

Object for personalisation 1 = "mean"
Numerical operator 1 = S = 19
:. 19th verb succeeding "mean" = "mesh"
:. Personalised question field variant 1 = "mesh"
:. Input question 1 = Output question 1 = What might inclusion mesh?

Object for personalisation 1 = "break"
Numerical operator 1 = A = 1
:. 1st verb succeeding "break" = "breakfast"
:. Personalised question field variant 2 = "breakfast"
:. Input question 2 = Output question 2 = How can we breakfast down social barriers?

Object for personalisation 3 = "inhibit"
Numerical operator 3 = M = 13
:. 13th verb succeeding "inhibit" = "insert"
:. Personalised question field variant 3 = "insert"
:. Input question 3 = Output question 3 = What might insert inclusion?

Object for personalisation 4 = "enhance"
Numerical operator 4 = U = 21
:. 21st verb succeeding "enhance" = "ensnare"
:. Personalised question field variant 4 = "ensnare"
:. Input question 1 = Output question 1 = How does your practice ensnare social inclusion?


Personalised Output Question 1 = What might inclusion mesh?
Personalised Output Question 2 = How can we breakfast down social barriers?
Personalised Output Question 3 = What might insert inclusion?
Personalised Output Question 4 = How does your practice ensnare social inclusion?


  1. my brain hurts. Actually, to be more precise, my brain couldn't cope with that at all. Scott had to explain it to me, like I was an imbecile monkey.

  2. Yeah. I was trying to bring down The Matrix, or some old toss like that, and all this bureaucratic pseudo-maths started spewing out of my finger-ends.

    I'm not messing with Keanu again - that would be a waste of time.

  3. Hmmm I wonder who's a teacher...
