Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Untimely #13 - Picking up pieces.

1a. What might Inclusion mean?

            For you, back in the early seventies, it meant civil rights. To me, at first, it was supposed to be the dawn of acceptance. The great dream. But when I saw you, I knew that all I needed was to be included by you. In your life.

1b. What might inclusion mesh?

            It was supposed to be You and Me!
Men and Women Everywhere!
Kerry and Kevin…
the world.

1c. Roll Call.

            We stood up to be counted. You were Kerry. I was Kevin. It felt like love.

2a. How can we break down social barriers?

            We had to understand each other. To know; intimately. It’s the only way.

2b. How can we breakfast down social barriers?

            “I want to move in with you. I’ll make you breakfast everyday. You can get a job. I get it. It’s fine.”

2c. So many Kevins. But who the fuck is Keith?

            I can be supportive. I can be a homemaker. I can be the breadwinner. I can stand by your side and march with you. Down the aisle if you’d let me. But I can understand that you don’t want to be my property. And I can completely see why you should want multiple sexual partners. It’s empowering. I can deal with it.

3a. What might inhibit inclusion?

            Perceived external threats. The fear of being marginalised. Devaluation. Changes for the worse.

3b. What might insert inclusion?

My way into your heart. Someday.
My fist down Keith’s throat. Too literal.

3c. Away from Kerry.

            Keith died. I ran. Now I hide – nowhere in particular. I drive. I mostly live in my car. I watched you. I still watch. But so do the police, from time to time. Just in case.

4a. How does your practise enhance social inclusion?

I want everyone to see us, and in us recognise the perfect model of happiness,
of truth, of acceptance. We will become the ideal.

4b. How does your practise ensnare social inclusion?

            People can be fooled into anything. Even you. I know they’ve fooled you into thinking I’m a bad guy. But they’ll see. I’ll get you.

4c. A song.

            We’ll be so perfect they’ll put us on television. We’ll be sent over to America; big movie stars. Bob Dylan will write a song about us. I promise.

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